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The Horizontal Agitated Thin Film Evaporator TFE/H consists of a cylindrical stator with a horizontal heated axle and a high speed rotor, able to make the product film adhere to the walls in conditions of high turbulence. Distributor position corresponding to the product inlet.


  • Where longer residence time is required, for reactions or where headroom is limited, from 0,05 to 15 m2 (larger on request)

  • Internal of cylindrical shape

  • Suited for vacuum from 0,1-0,5 mbar a to the atmosphere, or positive pressure

  • Non-contacting L-type lobed rigid rotor with fixed and well-defined clearance from the heated wall

  • The rotor sweeps the heated surface with a gap of some mm, this results in a great liquid turbulence

  • Wide range of viscosity

  • High concentration ratios

  • The rotor is supported at both sides by roller bearings, no internal pillow to give durability problems

  • L/D ratio gives a compact unit, with a large diameter, improving the performance under vacuum

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