Bionomic Industries
ScrubPac Proclean Type CT Tower
A fully self-contained compact packed bed scrubbing system, the ProClean Type CT requires minimal field labor to install and dramatically reduces erection time and related costs. Available in two size range configurations. The system incorporates Bionomic's field-proven Series 5000 Counter Current Packed Tower Scrubber integrally packaged with recirculation pump, piping, instrumentation and controls – specifically engineered for high reliability, low maintenance and extended service life. All surfaces in contact with both scrubbing liquid and gas stream feature corrosion-resistant materials, for maximum service life.
All ProClean Systems are run tested and debugged at the factory to eliminate lengthy start-up procedures to facilitate critical installation schedules.
Capacity Size Range
500 thru 25,000 ACFM
Typical Applications Include
Removal of all water soluble gaseous contaminants, mists, and odors
Air stripping of ammonia and VOC compounds