

Dry and Dry/Wet Combination Scrubber Systems


Bionomic Dri-Scrub™ Dry and Wet/Dry Combination Scrubber Systems are available for gas flows from 160 to 75,000 acfm, provide particulate collection efficiencies between 98 and 99.9%, and are normally used for scrubbing gas streams with fine particulate that can contain acid gases, mercury or NOx. Dry systems utilize a dry venturi scrubber for rapid mixing of the containment gas with hydrated lime or sodium bicarbonate reagents with or without carbon and are followed by a pulse jet fabric filter collector to capture solid particles – totally eliminating water and wastewater treatment or pollution. Dry/Wet systems utilize a pulse jet fabric filter for solid particulate capture, followed by a RotaBed® or packed tower scrubber for gas absorption. The system offers superior solid particulate collection and higher gas absorption efficiencies with less energy usage than wet scrubbers.

For higher temperature services, ceramic filters are available including catalyst impregnated elements for NOx control.

Typical Applications include

  • Scrubbing of fine particulates and acid gases emitted from incinerators, furnaces and boilers 

  • Scrubbing of gas phase particulate formations in electronics, chemical, glass, power and heavy metals industries 

  • Sulfur dioxide, trioxide and hydrochloric acid removal 

  • Dry particulate collecting / dry scrubbing 

  • NOx Control

  • Mercury removal

  • Product recovery


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